Checklist » Hydrocharitaceae » Vallisneria americana
Last updated 5/4/2021 by David Giblin.
Vallisneria americana Michx.[FNA22, HC, HC2]
wild celery, American eelgrass, tapegrass

Publication: Flora Boreali-Americana. 2: 220. 1803.

Origin: Introduced from eastern North America

selected vouchers: WTU

Notes: FNA22: "Vallisneria americana plus various species of Sagittaria, Sparganium, and Blyxa aubertii form usually sterile basal rosettes of long, linear leaves in shallow water in North America. Vallisneria can easily be separated from the others by the following combination of char acter states: base of leaves nearly flat in cross section, broad band of lacunae along each side of midvein, roots without cross septa, and absence of milky juice. The three other genera have a different combinations for these characters.

Vallisneria spiralis Linnaeus has been reported in some of the older literature as being represented in North America. These reports are all based on a misapplication of the name V. spiralis and are actually V. americana. In warmer waters of southeastern United States are some populations of Vallisneria with much larger leaves that have been given the name V. neotropicalis. After considerable study of populations in the field, the plants formerly known as V. neotropicalis were determined to be just larger individuals of V. americana (R. M. Lowden 1982)."

References: (none)

Synonyms & Misapplied Names:
Vallisneria americana Michx. var. americana[Crow & Hellquist 2000]
Vallisneria neotropica Vict.
Vallisneria spiralis L., misapplied[HC]